Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Pickle and Rosevelt My Cats, by Evan McHenry (unedited)

Once I got two cats one was Simon and the other was Collin. We renamed Collin, Pickle and Simon, Rosevelt. Pickle was very dumb. Now I don't mean bad dumb I mean not smart dumb. Now Rosevelt on the other hand is very fat. I mean when he sits down he looks like a roosting hen. I mean I can't tell if he is a walrus or a cat. Rosevelt escapes a lot outside I always catch him and call him a fat mass of fatness. It turns out at the last sentence I stoped typing because computer class ended and now is a new computer class and a lot of time passed between one computer class and the other. And now we let him out and free rome. Pickle is sooooooo cute he has a "flubby tummy" he is adorable. His full name is Collin crashlandon slapity joe pickle mchenry. I know I know it's a long name but it's cute and it fit's him perfectly. Did I mention he is tan and white and sometimes I call him "Rusty" like in the film oceans 11 because Rusty wears a tan coat and white dress shirt. Pickle sometimes drinks from the toilet. Once he was drinking from The toilet and I closed the lid and said, "sorry Pickle your magic portal has been closed off."

1 comment:

Heidi Czarnecki said...

There is another writer in the making.